How to find True Love?

We symbolize love with the heart. But actually, love is in the brain. Finding true love involves our brains more than our hearts. Understanding how love is formed in the brain can help a person to know more about the stages of how love develops.

What is love? This is a question that has been asked since the beginning of time. There are science-backed answers to this timeless question that has puzzled people for centuries. Dawn Maslar is the author of Men Chase, Women Chase. In her book, she dives into the discovery and understanding of love and relationships.

The author and researcher of love discuses the four main stages of love. These stages of love evolve from two people first meeting to falling in love to ultimately a lifetime of love. The first stage is an attraction. The second stage is dating. The third stage is falling in love. The fourth stage is real love.

During these stages, neural activity occurs. There are neurotransmitters that appear and are also absent. A lot of people believe love is a euphoric feeling. However, the author details in her book that love is a process.

Men Chase, Women Chase picks apart the questions we wonder about love while better explaining the hormonal side to how love works in our brain. Questions about commitment, love at first sight, how does love affect the brain, and why do we do the things we do once in love are the questions this book tackles.

This read about love and relationships will tackle the topic of our biological needs of love. The book explains the difference between how testosterone and other biochemicals contribute to our outlooks on love. Readers will be left with the ultimate understanding of what it means to find true love while understanding love first starts in the brain.

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