How Your Brain Falls in Love

Have you ever been in love? If a certain person or time in your life came to mind instantly, then the answer is unequivocal "yes." In which case, I'm certain that you've asked yourself what love is? How does it occur? Why does it occur?

Love is more than just a feeling like happiness, sadness, or anger. Love encompasses all of these things and more. It is a distinctive neurological event and an inescapable human quality. So how do we go from a glance at a stranger to a family and mortgage? From "Hello, my name is, etc." to "till' death do us part."?

In this TEDxBocaRaton seminar, you'll be watching biologist Dawn Maslar explain the most up to date knowledge, and research regarding human attraction, and how love works. There are those of you who've been awaiting this, patiently since February.

Unfortunately, a key producer had delayed the editing due to unforeseen technical difficulties. No less, it is finished now and ready for viewing. It's with a heavy heart that I write this because I mention my grandmother in this, and she passed away last week. I was hoping she would have the chance to see it, and though she can't see it as we can, I know she's watching it.

Please, I want you to share any comments at all that you may have. I would love to hear them, so feel free and comfortable to let your thoughts be heard. Thank you!

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